Jewelry Care
Great care has been taken in creating your INFINI jewelry. To protect it and contribute to its longevity, there are a few tips to follow:
Store your jewelry separately and in its original packaging as metals and stones can scratch when they come into contact with each other.
When caring for your jewelry, never use anything but 100% cotton as a polishing cloth since paper, polyester, and coarse fabrics often contain wood fibers or synthetics. These materials may impart fine scratches in the metal.
Do not let your jewelry come into contact with household detergents or other chemical products and take care when spraying perfume.
Apply beauty products such as perfume, hairspray or deodorant before wearing your jewelry as certain chemicals in these products may damage the finish.
Always remove your jewelry before swimming, bathing, doing household chores or using abrasive cleaners.
If your jewelry requires further cleaning, use a mild soap, water and a soft cloth. Rinse with clean water and pat dry. Never use jewelry cleaner on Plated pieces. Jewelry cleaners are too harsh and may contain abrasives.
Make sure your jewelry is completely dry before storing.